In this podcast, I’ll speak of how to hold boundaries from a Spiritual Angle. You are a child of the Universe with your gifts and talents to be embarked on the world. Many times, as sensitives, we are lazy with our boundaries and dilute our gifts and feel resentful, angry and exhausted. Take a listen and learn how to stop doing that!
Hi, I'm Dr. Divi, host of the podcast "Ease into Clarity." I'm a family doctor turned yoga teacher turned intuitive coach. I've been coaching and using intuition for over 13 years. I help people with daily life problems using intuition and emotions in the mind. In this podcast, you will hear from me weekly, where I will share life tools, life skills, life techniques, and intuition to help you with your daily challenges. Everyone's got it.
The best thing about the podcast? You can email me and let me know what's happening, and I will serve you, whether you're a stay-at-home mom or a multimillionaire. We all have the same problems. The best part of listening to this podcast is that you will learn techniques every single week to help you deal with life's challenges.
So hit subscribe, and I'll be in your inbox. Please tell everyone about me because, guess what's gonna happen? The more love you hold, the more love I hold, the better the relationship.
I'll see you soon. Ciao ❤️.
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#EaseIntoClarity #PodcastMagic #SpreadTheLove
Dr. Divi 1 0:01
Hi, welcome to the podcast Ease Into Clarity on Dr. Divi Family Doctor Turn intuitive coach, and I'm here to help you. In this podcast, we will learn mental techniques, emotional techniques, and spiritual techniques to change daily problems. So maybe it's your husband, your boss or co-worker, or your kid, they're driving you crazy. You can email me any of your questions, and I will use all the techniques I've learned over the years and help you grab your hot chocolate and make sure to subscribe. We'll see you soon. Ciao.
Dr. Divi 00:46
Hi, It’s Dr. Divi from our podcast, ease into clarity. So today, we're gonna be talking about boundaries. It's a very common topic that a lot of teachers in all kinds of realms speak about boundaries, or want to speak some of now for more of spiritual terms. boundary is often thought of as keep those people away. They're bad, and they're scary. They're gonna hurt me Oh, no. And I always remind people that what you push against you will make it bigger. Think of a boundary, which is a very important thing for all of us to have. I mean, think about it for a minute. I work, teaching and helping people for a living. If I didn't have boundaries, people would be emailing and texting me every two seconds of the day, every while my business that's exactly what happened because I didn't have boundaries. Think about it for a second, what area of your life do you possibly need boundaries? Maybe you you know, you've told your partner 1000 times to pick up his socks and he doesn't.
Dr. Divi 01:39
Maybe your kids are always just walking over you. What stops you from holding the truth of who you are? For a lot of us women we often find is one of the reasons we don't have boundaries is because we've been taught to be people pleasers. We've also been taught that other people's opinions or wants are more important than ours. We've also been taught to put our, you know desire or what we want out there, which is somehow bad. In fact, the opposite is true. Whenever we do that we start to resent if we're spreading ourselves too thin, we're exhausted. We're feeling like we have to give and give and give and we get upset because we don't get back. So just think about it where in your life do you not have adequate boundaries? We know we don't have adequate boundaries when we're tired all the time. When we're you know, we want to say something we don't and we just blow up sometimes we feel taken advantage of. Those are great examples, amongst others about good examples of when you don't have, those are good signs that you don't have boundaries. Now, this is one of my favorite visuals about boundaries, if you can go to close your eyes. And I want you to imagine a beautiful sun up in the sky. And that beautiful sun is shining and has lots of sun rays shining out of it. The sun is beautiful, isn't it? The sun has a magnificence to it.
Dr. Divi 03:01
The sun is what humans call God, or spirit, or the divine. And each and every single one of those sunrays represents each of us. We've all heard the expression, you are a child of God. And as a child of God, what you want to expose the world and who you want to be, it's very important. So who do you want to be and when you get comfortable, with who you want to be, you know it is the divine speaking through you to be impact on the planet. To be a surge on the planet with such beauty and grace, because the Divine is speaking through you. And because you are the child of God who is here to express her or his love to the planet with whatever his gift is. Then you'll want to have a boundary for that. Because you want the divine to speak through you with ease grace and love. You don't want to squelch that you don't want to. You don't want to have that sunray exhausted and tired and depleted. So think of that sunrise and put almost a visual of lines around it. So you can see your gifts going on the planet.
Dr. Divi 04:17
And your gift could be loving that person next to your gift could be silence that person next to your gift could be money to that person next to your gift could be empowering somebody with a smile. Honor that cap. About that fabulous visual I love as you stand that visual I want you to think or imagine or see Where does your sunray overlap with everybody else's? Where are you busy, making sure that everybody else is sunray is safe? For a lot of us moms we do with our kids and our partners are like their sun rays and bright enough so we need to go in there and help them Each and every one of our kids, and our partners, is a child of the Divine. Each of them has access to the synergy that you have. And the greatest gift we can give them is a chance for their light to shine. We've all heard that quote by Marianne Williamson, our greatest fear is not that we're not good enough.
Dr. Divi 05:20
Our greatest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure is the light that frightens us this most is dark, and on and on and on. By you shining your light, clearly, you give permission to your kids and grandkids and husbands and partners a chance to shine there's if you haven't opened your eyes yet keeping your eyes closed, I want you to see in your life. Are you busy crisscrossing everybody else's? Maybe you're constantly taking care of everyone else. Maybe you're exhausted all the time because you're constantly helping this time to pause and stop. And do you. So having those boundaries is the most spiritual gift you can give yourself. And probably the greatest greatest gift you can give somebody out. So your homework for this week's podcast? Where in your life? Do you feel depleted exhausted and drained? Where do you feel like your sunrise is overlapping everybody else's? Are you not giving to yourself? Give me to yourself as the greatest gift you can give anybody. And when you give to yourself clearly with clear boundaries, again, doesn't have to be from this place of fear or anger. It can be from the shine of your light through that sunray to impact the world like you're meant to hope that helps you to different taken on boundaries from your spiritual angle, not from an angry perspective, or from a depleting perspective, aligning to your perspective, sending you lots of love. And please share this with your friends and family. Because we are all such the leaders of our energies. Have a great day. And Master.
Dr. Divi 07:04
Thank you so much for joining me this podcast isn't clarity, it is such a joy, pleasure and honor to be in your living room. What I would love is if you follow me on Instagram, Dr. Di VI or go to my website, Dr. Di vi.com or write a review that would be even more amazing. Thank you.
Dr. Divi 07:22
Do you really enjoyed this podcast, feel free to share it with friends family, Tell to follow me. Because I think the more of us that listen to the fact that we each of us can start to shift each of us can shift mental things, emotional things spiritual shift to shift our daily reality more and more of us do it. We get a better planet, we get more love, we get more happiness, we get more joy. So I'd love it. If you fold. I'd love to chat if you share this because it would be such a joy and an honor. And again, if you have a question, guess what I'm here for you. Send me an email at [email protected]. And as they come in, I will answer them in podcasts that are subsequent whether it be your boss, your relationship, your husband, whatever. That's what I'm here for. Because the more of us that learn really simple mental techniques, really simple spiritual techniques. We change the physical reality we live in. Pretty soon we have more peace, more ease more joy trickling across the whole world. Remember, there's a spiritual solution to every problem. Thank you