I am so excited that you are here to meditate!

As we meditate - we get closer to Our Selves...

There is No One as Amazing as YOU! 

To Your Expansion & Continual Being-ness of Love in the Universe and To Your Health...

Happy 44 days of Meditation!

xoxo Dr. Divi





Day 44.. Feeling the Emotional Body - Freedom, Love, Abundance & More

Day 43... Meditation into All You are

Day 42

Day 41... Bring in Play!

Day 40... Self .. Self Love.. Self Compassion.. .Self

Day 39...Feeling the Vibration of Abundance

Day 38... Integrity

Day 37.... Feeling...Now


Day 36... Aware of our Blocks -

Day 35 - Feeling Our Bigness

Day 34 - Changing Thoughts - Belief Systems- Realities

Day 33

Day 32....Cultivating Now Moment Awareness

Day 31.... Life Purpose Meditation

Day 30...Embracing all sides of you - the Child, Saboteur, Victim & Prostitute...

Day 29...Wearing the Glasses of My Inner Being

Day 28... Connecting with the Above

Day 27... Directing the Focus of the Mind


Day 26.... Perceptions


Day 25... Pillars of Light



Day 24... Self empowerment


Day 23.. Embracing Your Body and the Body Wisdom...

Day 22- in Awe of Now, You and All

Day 21- Setting your vibration

Day 20 - I Am

Day 19... Peace Ease

Day 18... Love

Day 17.. The Now

Day 16... Mind Body Spirit Medicine... The Body

Day 15... Intuition ... Trust... Let Go... The path

Day 14... Intuition in Nature...

Day 13.. Waking Up your Intuition

Day 12.. connecting with the Feminine

Day 11.... Opposite Ends of the Same Stick

Day 10.... Going Deeper Within

Day 9... Going Deeper Beyond our Thoughts...


Day 8.... Our thoughts... 

Day 7... Observing the Saboteur & Going Deeper within...

Day 6... Self Love



Day 5....Appreciation

Day 4... Self - Relaxing into Self


Day 3... Heart - Getting Centered in Love....

Day 2....Body

Take the Breath into the body....


Day 1... Connecting with Breath...


Letting go of expectations....